Saturday, December 3, 2011

Renewable Energy and Globalization

Energy is the key constraint to the world's development and economic growth especially in the third world countries. Fossil fuels that cause air pollution, environmental degradation, acid rain and global warming are finite. Failure to recognize this finiteness will result in continuing energy crises. Our timescale for change is decades not centuries. Renewable energy will play a substantial role helping us meet our energy needs and to keep our earth healthy.

Renewable Energy Management is an efficient use of all Renewable Energy Sources generated from Bio fuels, Biomass, Bio gas, Sun as Solar Energy, Earth as Geothermal Energy, Water as Hydro power, Wind as Wind Energy, Ocean Waves as Wave Energy, Tidal Currents as Tidal Energy, Magnetic Fields as Eddy Currents; while achieving Energy Efficiency through Green Technology to reduce Global Warming Causes and Effects to a higher extent possible. It is the combination of Renewable Solutions and is the only way to reduce global warming, to control climate change and to protect nature & wildlife from human disturbances.

Renewable Energy Sources

  • Bio fuel energy - Plants use photosynthesis to grow and produce biomass. Bio fuel is burned to release its stored chemical energy. Biofuels can be made from waste, virgin vegetable, animal oils and fats.
  • Bio gas energy - Various waste streams are slurred together and allowed to naturally ferment, producing methane gas by using biogas plants or mechanical biological treatment. Renewable natural gas is a bio gas which has been upgraded to a quality similar to natural gas.
  • Biomass energy - Biomass forms and sources include wood fuel, the bio genic portion of municipal solid waste, or the unused portion of field crops. Energy harvesting via a bio reactor is a cost-effective solution to waste disposal.
  • Geothermal Energy - Geothermal energy derives from heat in the Earth's core by tapping the heat deep into Earth's crust.
  • Magnetic energy - Magnetic energy derives from relative motion of the field source and conductor producing a circulating flow of electrons or a current. These circulating eddies of current create induced magnetic fields that oppose the change of original magnetic field causing repulsive or drag forces between conductor and magnet.
  • Solar energy - Solar energy refers to the energy collected from sunlight. The water absorbs major fraction of incoming sun radiation. Most radiation is absorbed at low latitudes around the equator, but solar energy is dissipated around the globe in the form of winds and ocean currents.
  • Tidal energy - Tidal energy is generated by the relative motion of Earth, Sun and Moon, which interact via gravitational forces. The stronger the tide, either in water level height or tidal current velocities, the greater the potential for tidal energy generation.
  • Wave Energy - Wave energy is the transport and capture of energy by ocean surface waves to do useful work. Wave energy is distinct from diurnal flux of tidal power and steady gyre of ocean currents.
  • Water Energy - Kinetic energy in water can be harnessed and used. Hydroelectricity is the production of power through use of gravitational force of falling or flowing water.
  •  Wind energy - Air flows are used to run wind turbines to produce power. As wind speed increases, power output increases dramatically. Wind energy is renewable and produces no greenhouse gases, such as carbon-dioxide or methane, during operation.
The Advantage of Renewable Energy
·         We can use it repeatedly without depleting it: Using renewable energy however merely taps into a natural flow of energy, sunlight, moving water, wind, biological- or geothermal processes. These are part of natural cycles of highs and lows. Their energy is truly renewable as it remains available to the same degree and is not depleted any more than it otherwise would by using it
·         Optimum Utilization of Natural Resource: An advantage of renewable energy therefore is that it requires us to rise to the occasion, and to bring out our best inner resources.
  • No contribution to global warming: Non-renewable fossil fuel use causes global environmental problems, Renewable energy sources have environmental, health and cost advantages over fossil fuels.
  • No polluting emissions: The advantage of renewable resources includes their inability to produce carbon-based warming and polluting agents into the atmosphere.
  • Low cost applications when counting all costs: The financial cost of its applications is not always cheap but if the environmental costs of using fossil fuels are accounted for, renewable energy wins hands-down.
  • Renewable energy sources are crucial to sustainable human life on planet Earth: There are also indirect savings on health and its costs as there are no harmful emissions.
  • The final advantage of renewable energy: Thinking about this and using it has the advantage of transforming ourselves into flourishing, truly social human beings.

Global Warming

Global Warming refers to average increase in the earth's temperature due to increase in pollution which results in greenhouse effect which in turn leads to climate change. Global warming may lead to rise in the sea level due to melting of glaciers, shrinkage of forests, changes in the rainfall pattern and wide range of impacts on plants and humans.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a group of over 2,500 scientists from countries across the world have determined that a number of human activities are contributing towards the growth of global warming by releasing excessive amount of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. These greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide accumulate into the atmosphere and trap heat that would normally would exit into the outer space. Over the last few decades cars, industries and power plants have released tons of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and this has caused the temperature of the earth to rise from .6 degree Celsius between 1901 and 2000. If nothing is done to stop global warming now then it could prove to be a big disaster for the human kind.

Future of Global Warming

As we are going to more fossil fuels the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the earth atmosphere is going to rise and rise. And these greenhouse gases will raise the earth's surface temperature with them. According to IPCC, the temperature of the earth will rise from 2 degree Celsius to 6 degree Celsius by the end of 21st century. With the rise in such temperature the glaciers and ice shelves around the world will start melting. Scientists’ project rising sea levels will increase between 7 and 22 inches by 2100. When the sea level will rise combined with the rise in the temperature of the sea, tropical storms such as tsunami could increase.


We human beings have been using vast proportions of earth's natural resources for our own needs. We use energy for or heating and cooling, lighting, heating water and operating appliances. Apart from that we use energy for many purposes, such as traveling in airplanes and cars using oil that is converted into gasoline. The U.S. department of energy has divided energy users into 3 categories: Residential and Commercial, Industrial and Transportation. Energy needs to be conserved to protect our environment from drastic changes, to save the depleting resources for our future generations. The rate at which the energy is being produced and consumed can damage our world in many ways. In other words, it helps us to save the environment. We can reduce those impacts by consuming less energy. The cost of energy is rising every year. It is important for us to realize how energy is useful to us and how can we avoid it getting wasted
Earth's temperature is rising day by day and there is no single solution to solve global warming problem, we need to Use energy efficient products, Going nuclear, Phasing out fossil fuels, Switch off gadgets when not in use, Stop deforestation, and the most important is to Explore renewable sources and Developing low carbon technologies.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released its Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation, the report says, nearly 80 percent of global energy demand could be met by renewable energy sources by 2050.
 Prepared by 120 scientists, the Special Report considers six of the most promising renewable energy technologies and their potential “integration into present and future energy systems.” The energy technologies include solar, wind, bioenergy (including sources such as wood scavenging in developing countries), geothermal, and ocean, notably excluding nuclear as a source of renewable energy.
The report’s authors see the growth of renewable energy, as defined in the report, far outpacing that of fossil and nuclear energy. Indeed, nearly half of new electricity generating capacity came from renewable sources between 2008 and 2009, and the pace of growth continues to rise. “The technical potential of renewable energy technologies exceeds the current global energy demand by a consider amount, globally, and in respect of most regions of the world,” the report concludes.




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·           R. Eisenberg and D. Nocera, "Preface: Overview of the Forum on Solar and Renewable Energy," Inorg. Chem. 44, 6799 (2007).

 P. V. Kamat, "Meeting the Clean Energy Demand:," J. Phys. Chem. C 111, 2834 (2007).


Eco tourism: A Tool for Sustainable Development

Dr. Vandana Tiwari
Department of Economics
Mata Gujri Mahila Mahavidyalaya

Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It contains within it two key concepts:
·         the concept of needs, in particular the essential needs of the world's poor, to which overriding priority should be given; and
·         the idea of limitations imposed by the state of technology and social organization on the environment's ability to meet present and future needs."
Sustainable Development is often an over-used word, but goes to the heart of tackling a number of inter-related global issues such as poverty, inequality, hunger and environmental degradation. The idea of sustainable development grew from numerous environmental movements in earlier decades. Summits such as the Earth Summit in Rio, Brazil, 1992, were major international meetings to bring sustainable development to the mainstream. The concept of sustainability means many different things to different people, and a large part of humanity around the world still live without access to basic necessities.

Poverty & Sustainable Development

The causes of poverty and of environmental degradation are inter-related suggesting that approaching sustainable development requires understanding the issues in many ways.
Poverty and a degraded environment are closely inter-related, especially where people depend for their livelihoods primarily on the natural resource base of their immediate environment. Restoring natural systems and improving natural resource management practices at the grassroots level are central to a strategy to eliminate poverty. The survival needs of the poor force them to continue to degrade an already degraded environment. Removal of poverty is therefore a prerequisite for the protection of the environment. Poverty magnifies the problem of hunger and malnutrition. The problem is further compounded by the inequitable access of the poor to the food that is available. It is therefore necessary to strengthen the public distribution system to overcome this inequity. Diversion of common and marginal lands to ‘economically useful purposes’ deprives the poor of a resource base which has traditionally met many of their sustenance needs. Market forces also lead to the elimination of crops that have traditionally been integral to the diet of the poor, thereby threatening food security and nutritional status.

Concept of Eco-tourism

Fundamentally, Eco-tourism means making as little environmental impact as possible and helping to sustain the indigenous populace, thereby encouraging the preservation of wildlife and habitats when visiting a place. This is responsible form of tourism and tourism development, which encourages going back to natural products in every aspect of life. It is also the key to sustainable ecological development.

The International Eco-tourism Society defines Eco-tourism as "responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the well-being of local people." This means that those who implement and participate in Eco-tourism activities should follow the following principles:

  • Minimize impact
  • Build environmental and cultural awareness and respect
  • Provide positive experiences for both visitors and hosts
  • Provide direct financial benefits for conservation
  • Provide financial benefits and empowerment for local people
  • Raise sensitivity to host countries' political, environmental, and social climate
  • Support international human rights and labour agreements

Eco-tourism is more than a catch phrase for nature loving travel and recreation. Eco-tourism is consecrated for preserving and sustaining the diversity of the world's natural and cultural environments. It accommodates and entertains visitors in a way that is minimally intrusive or destructive to the environment and sustains & supports the native cultures in the locations it is operating in. Responsibility of both travelers and service providers is the genuine meaning for Eco-tourism.

Eco-tourism also endeavors to encourage and support the diversity of local economies for which the tourism-related income is important. With support from tourists, local services and producers can compete with larger, foreign companies and local families can support themselves. Besides all these, the revenue produced from tourism helps and encourages governments to fund conservation projects and training programs.

Saving the environment around you and preserving the natural luxuries and forest life, that's what eco-tourism is all about. Eco-tourism focuses on local cultures, wilderness adventures, volunteering, personal growth and learning new ways to live on our vulnerable planet. It is typically defined as travel to destinations where the flora, fauna, and cultural heritage are the primary attractions. Responsible Eco-tourism includes programs that minimize the adverse effects of traditional tourism on the natural environment, and enhance the cultural integrity of local people. Therefore, in addition to evaluating environmental and cultural factors, initiatives by hospitality providers to promote recycling, energy efficiency, water reuse, and the creation of economic opportunities for local communities are an integral part of Eco-tourism.

Eco-tourism is considered the fastest growing market in the tourism industry, according to the World Tourism Organization with an annual growth rate of 5% worldwide and representing 6% of the world gross domestic product, 11.4% of all consumer spending - not a market to be taken lightly.
Advantages of Eco-tourism
The goals of Eco-tourism are to help the environment, preserve natural resources as well as help the local communities and economies. Eco-tourism is an industry that stands to make a lot of money from tourists that are seeking environmentally friendly vacations or ecologically friendly activities. The money from ecotourism could be used to preserve nature, wildlife, species and earth's natural resources as well as help local people with access to civilization and education.

For example, if a country is prime for Eco-tourism, the money could be used to preserve the environment in that country so that the natural resources would last longer. Local residents could also benefit from the growth in their economy and no longer have to live poorly. This, however, usually does not happen in reality because the locals rarely benefit from the growth of their economy. The investors and foreign corporations do. And the environment and natural resources rarely get preserved because they are worth more in a theme park attracting Eco-tourists.

As a socially responsible person, you probably want to make the world a little better. Even when you travel, you might try to visit undeveloped areas where your tourism dollars can help a local economy thrive. You might even contribute your time to the community as a volunteer. Eco-tourism's idealistic goal is to improve the world through responsible travel; while its effects will probably never match its ideals, travelers can offer very real benefits to local communities.


Eco-tourism's primary aim is to counteract the negative effects of human development. People who live in cities often choose to visit pristine jungles, mountains and beaches to enjoy their beauty. As local communities begin to see their natural resources as sources of tourist income, the communities may work harder to protect those resources. In many cases, locals find work as tour guides and discover that their jobs depend on local conservation efforts. (See References 1)

Local Business

Aside from tour guides, a range of local businesses benefit from Eco-tourism. Craftspeople, innkeepers and restaurateurs all provide services that help tourists discover local features. A 2003 study of Costa Rican communities found that once Eco-tourism has boosted an economy, people stop cutting trees because they are simply too busy. The same study, however, found that such a behavioral change didn't necessarily indicate greater environmental awareness. Once the local economy experiences some success, development starts to threaten natural resources (see References 3 and 4).

Cultural Exchange

The same Costa Rican study found that people with more education were less likely to be environmentally destructive. In fact, education and awareness may be the true benefits of Eco-tourism and provide the most lasting effect. Ecotourists meeting people who live more closely with nature may learn to live more simply themselves. Meanwhile, locals gain the funds and the ability to pursue more education of their own, giving them a better understanding of world issues like environmentalism.

Eco Tourism in Under Developed Countries

Tourism might not be the ultimate answer to poverty and economic woes, but it is a major boon for places around the world that suffer from a lack of natural resources or industry. For instance, tourism is a hugely important industry in the Caribbean. Without flocks of resort-goers, nations in this part of the world would have to rely more heavily on agriculture, leaving their economies at the mercy of the fluctuating prices of commodities like coffee, sugar and bananas.

There are plenty of valid concerns about the environmental impact of hotel construction, excessive tourist traffic and cruise ships, but it isn't fair to leave the positive economic impact out of the mass-tourism discussion. Large resorts employ hundreds of local people, and local entrepreneurs, from taxi drivers to guides to souvenir shop owners, benefit from the tourism trade.

The Eco-tourism industry's growth depends on practicality as much as it does on the will to conserve the environment. Ultimately, success will not only be measured by the acres of forest saved, but also by the amount of money earned and the number of jobs created. The International Eco-tourism Society (TIES) recognizes the human element in Eco-tourism. It defines the oft-catch-phrased term “Eco-tourism” as "responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the well-being of local people."

Many places that are considered Eco-tourism destinations have experienced varying levels of success. Here are three destinations in various parts of the world that are in different stages of development, but owe for eco tourism.


This island nation has turned to Eco-tourism because it lacks the geography that makes other Caribbean destinations so popular among tourists seeking a warm-weather vacation. The postcard-like beach scenes of Jamaica and the Bahamas are absent from Dominica. The island has a rocky coast and, though its waters are clear and ideal for diving, it has never developed a mainstream resort industry. Proclaiming itself the Nature Island, Dominica has instead advertised its natural, undeveloped beauty. Hot springs and waterfalls, dense jungles and rugged coastline draw more adventurous travelers and nature lovers.
However, the number of visitors to Dominica is not substantial enough to make nature tourism the backbone of the nation's economy. Brand-name resorts are difficult to find on Dominica. Most of the accommodations are small-scale, locally owned venues. Some are full-fledged eco-resorts built in natural settings and offer a full menu of nature-themed activities. So, despite the overall lack of tourism infrastructure, the tourists who do come to Dominica are seeing more of their dollars go to locals rather than to multinational resort chains.

A culture of conservation has been developed in Dominica. Local guides are involved in protecting one of the more popular tourist draws: nesting sea turtles. The giant amphibians lay their eggs on the seashore, with some choosing to use the sands of the beaches of the capital city. Specially trained local guides lead limited tours to the nesting areas so as not interfere with the nesting process. This type of grassroots effort is an example of the ability to balance a successful tourism attraction with a conservation effort. This culture of conservation is one of the reasons that Dominica remains such a promising eco-tourism destination.


This nation in southern Africa does not have to rely as heavily on tourism as Dominica and its Caribbean cousins. A relatively wealthy nation with one of the highest per capita GDP in Africa, tourism is one of the main economic alternatives to the industry that has made Botswana wealthy, diamond mining. As a landlocked country without many urban areas, nature-themed tourism is the main part of the industry by default. The backbone of this would-be tourism boom is nature-viewing safaris to places like Chobe National Park, the Okavango Delta and the vast Kalahari Desert. These uninhabited, wildlife-filled lands are considered to be among the last few untouched and truly natural places on the continent.

To limit the number of tourists while still enjoying healthy profits, Botswana has focused on developing high-end safari tourism. Tourists pay a high premium for an all-inclusive safari that offers both comfort and easy access to the wilderness. The government can control the industry and keep out mass-market safari companies because it has strict licensing guidelines for travel companies. Would-be companies are required to complete an environmental impact report as part of their application process. There is also a national eco-tourism certification program that further encourages tourism businesses to be more eco-friendly.


This small, unique South American nation has an ethnically diverse population and sits on the northeastern part of the continent. Most of the people here live along the Caribbean coastline. The country's undeveloped interior is ripe for logging, but the Surinamese government, along with international conservation organizations, has decided to protect a large part of the interior from exploitation. The giant Central Suriname Nature Reserve is made up of primary forest. With the help of Conservation International, the government is trying to develop this area for tourism. Lack of infrastructure has hindered development and made it expensive to visit this area, but the reserve remains protected from logging and the government seems intent on continuing to place its bets on eco-tourism. Already operational nature preserves are found along the coastline.
 In India too the movement is gathering momentum with more and more travel and travel related organisation's are addressing the needs of the eco-tourists and promoting eco-tourism in the country. Some basic do's and don'ts of eco-tourism are listed below:

Ecotourism in India

Though it sounds clichéd, India is one of the most unique countries in the world. The physical, economical, cultural and religious diversity of India has always been an enigma for the rest of the world. Hence, people from all over the world have been attracted to this huge and mysterious land in the east. With India rapidly emerging as a major economic stronghold, every sector in the nation is witnessing tremendous growth and development. One such rapidly growing sector in India is tourism and one of its offshoots that is drawing tourists from across the globe is Eco-tourism in India.

Tourism with a Difference

Eco-tourism in India is a niche industry that has mainly developed in the past few years. Eco-tourism is largely based on the concept of sustained tourism or Eco-friendly tourism. It has often been the case with the tourist destinations in India where the ecological balance of a fragile area has degraded drastically due to the pressure of tourism. Hence, the country is trying to promote tourism in a manner in which it generates considerable revenue without disturbing the delicate ecosystem in the region. This type of tourism is extremely essential for India considering that it has one of the richest bio diversities in the world. The nation is blessed with the massive Himalayan barricade in the north, an extensive peninsula with a rich coastal line on both sides and rich forests and landscapes that are unique to the nation of India. Hence, the government is trying to push the concept of Eco-tourism so that these rich habitats do not get affected even after the influx of tourists.

Forms of Eco-tourism in India

There are various forms of Eco-tourism in India that attract an increasing number of tourists each year. Some of the most prominent forms include Wildlife tourism, Agro tourism, Village tourism and even Religious tourism. Of these, wildlife tourism is emerging as one of the most popular forms of Eco-tourism in India. India has an unbelievable diversity with respect to flora and fauna and has some of the most renowned national parks and tiger reserves like Kanha, Ranthambore, Kaziranga, Corbett and Sunderbans. Apart from this, agro tourism is making its own mark and tourists are flocking to India to get a taste of the rustic rural life of the countryside.
These are some of the aspects that have promoted Eco-tourism in India to a great extent. However, India's full potential is yet to be realized and in the future years the country can expect to reap some great rewards.

The Economic Impacts of Eco-tourism

There are two related, but distinct, economic concepts in Eco-tourism: economic impact and economic value. Economic impact, which refers to the change in sales, income, jobs, or other parameter generated by Eco-tourism.   A common Eco-tourism goal is the generation of economic benefits, whether they are profits for companies, jobs for communities, or revenues for parks.   Eco-tourism plays a particularly important role because it can create jobs in remote regions that historically have benefited less from economic development programs than have more populous areas.   Even a small number of jobs may be significant in communities where populations are low and alternatives are few.

This economic impact can increase political and financial support for conservation. Protected areas and nature conservation generally, provide many benefits to society, including preservation of biodiversity, maintenance of watersheds, and so on.   Unfortunately, many of these benefits are intangible. However, the benefits associated with recreation and tourism in protected areas tends to be tangible. For example, divers at a marine park spend money on lodging, food, and other goods and services, thereby providing employment for local and non-local residents. These positive economic impacts can lead to increased support for the protected areas with which they are associated. This is one reason why Eco-tourism has been embraced as a means for enhancing conservation of natural resources.

The impacts of Eco-tourism, or any economic activity, can be grouped into three categories: direct, indirect, and induced.   Direct impacts are those arising from the initial tourism spending, such as money spent at a restaurant.   The restaurant buys goods and services (inputs) from other businesses, thereby generating indirect impacts.   In addition, the restaurant employees spend part of their wages to buy various goods and services, thereby generating induced impacts.   Of course, if the restaurant purchases the goods and services from outside the region of interest, then the money provides no indirect impact to the region -- it leaks away.  
By identifying the leakages, or conversely the linkages within the economy, the indirect and induced impacts of tourism can be estimated.   In addition, this information can be used to identify what goods are needed but are not being produced in the region, how much demand there is for such goods, and what the likely benefits of local production would be.   This enables policy makers to determine priorities for developing inputs for use by the tourism or other industries.

Poverty & Sustainable Development

The study of Eco-tourism offers many opportunities to reflect on the importance of sustainability, and the possibilities of implementing approaches which move us in a new direction. But it also suggests that there are significant obstacles. Overcoming these obstacles requires more than well-intentioned policies; it requires a new correlation of social forces, a move towards broad-based democratic participation in all aspects of life, within each country and in the concert of nations. Strategies to face these challenges must respond to the dual challenges of insulating these communities from further encroachment and assuring their viability.
The obstacles are an integral part of the world system, a system of increasing duality, polarized between the rich and poor --nations, regions, communities, and individuals. A small number of nations dominate the global power structure, guiding production and determining welfare levels. The remaining nations compete among themselves to offer lucrative conditions that will entice the corporate and financial powers to locate within their boundaries. Similarly, regions and communities within nations engage in self-destructive forms of bargaining --compromising the welfare of their workers and the building of their own infrastructure-- in an attempt to outbid each other for the fruits of global growth. The regions unable to attract investment suffer the ignoble fate of losers in a permanent economic olympics, condemned to oblivion on the world stage, their populations doomed to marginality and permanent poverty.
Sustainability is not possible as long as the expansion of capital enlarges the ranks of the poor and impedes their access to the resources needed for mere survival. Capitalism no longer needs growing armies of unemployed to ensure low wages, nor need it control vast areas to secure regular access to the raw materials and primary products for its productive machine; these inputs are now assured by new institutional arrangements that modified social and productive structures to fit the needs of capital. At present, however, great excesses are generated, excesses that impoverish people and ravage their regions. Profound changes are required to facilitate a strategy of sustainable development: in the last section we explore such an approach, suggesting that ecotourist development strategies may contribute to promoting a new form of dualism: a dual structure that allows people to rebuild their rural societies, produce goods and services in a sustainable fashion while expanding the environmental stewardship services they have always provided.
Research shows that when given the chance and access to resources, the poor are more likely than other groups to engage in direct actions to protect and improve the environment. From this perspective, an alternative development model requires new ways to encourage the direct participation of peasant and indigenous communities in a program of job creation in rural areas to increase incomes and improve living standards. By proposing policies that encourage and safeguard rural producers in their efforts to become once again a vibrant and viable social and productive force, this essay proposes to contribute to an awareness of the deliberate steps needed to promote sustainability.
In the ultimate analysis, we rediscover that in present conditions, the very accumulation of wealth creates poverty. While the poor often survive in scandalous conditions and are forced to contribute to further degradation, they do so because they know no alternatives. Even in the poorest of countries, social chasms not only prevent resources from being used to ameliorate their situation, but actually compound the damage by forcing people from their communities and denying them the opportunities to devise their own solutions. For this reason, the search for sustainability involves a dual strategy: on the one hand, it must involve an unleashing of the bonds that restrain people from strengthening their own organizations, or creating new ones, to use their relatively meager resources to search for an alternative and autonomous resolution to their problems. On the other hand, a sustainable development strategy must contribute to the forging of a new social pact, cemented in the recognition that the eradication of poverty and the democratic incorporation of the disenfranchised into a more diverse productive structure are essential.
Sustainable development, however, is not an approach that will be accepted, simply because "its time has come." In the final analysis, it involves a political struggle for control over the productive apparatus. It requires a redefinition of not only what and how we produce but also of who will be allowed produce and for what ends. For organizations involved in projects of sustainable development in rural areas, the conflict will center around control of mechanisms of local political and economic power, and the use of resources. The struggle to assure a greater voice in the process for peasants, indigenous populations, women, and other underprivileged minorities, will not assure that their decisions will lead to sustainable development. But broad-based democratic participation is the best way creates the basis for a more equitable distribution of wealth, one of the first prerequisites for forging a strategy of sustainable development.

Concluding Comments

Eco-tourism development is a complex issue that goes well beyond catchphrases and well-meaning attempts at conservation. Without a solid, universal model for creating a balance between a successful eco-tourism industry and a successful conservation movement, countries are left to find a system that works best for themselves. The ideal results of these efforts would be a balanced industry that brings profits to the local economy while strengthening conservation fforts that will keep the natural attractions intact.

The development of commercial ecotourism can increase public support and the total amount of funding available for nature conservation. It can be a positive contributor to the conservation of nature. However, this requires a number of assumptions or conditions to be satisfied and some of these have been outlined in this paper. If these are not satisfied, use of commercial values and ethics in relation to nature conservation can
Have negative consequences for nature conservation. For instance, the total economic value of nature conservation programs may be reduced by this type of emphasis. When over-emphasis on the commercial value occurs, the holistic picture of economic value is lost. Certainly funds obtained from ecotourism development should not be seen as a complete substitute for public funding of nature conservation. While some Substitution might be not acceptable, it should not be on a scale that reduces total public funding of nature conservation, nor be such as to cause substantial distortion in favor only of commercially valuable species and areas for ecotourism. Ideally, the development of wildlife-based tourism should contribute positively to the total amount of funds available for nature conservation, add to overall conservation efforts and results in this regard, and provide enhanced economic benefits to local communities.2,3 To ensure this,
However, requires some precautions to be taken.


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Conservation of Water, through dam construction (With special reference to India)

Dr. Vandana Tiwari,

HOD, Department of Economics

Mata Gujri Women’s College.

Marhatal, Civic Center


Conservation of Water, through dam construction ( with special refrence to India)

With only 1% of water available for human consumption, doesn't it make sense that we should treat our water supply with more respect? Water is the source of life on this planet. If you look at the earth's surface and see that 70 per cent of it is water, it may be hard to grasp that many parts of the world are suffering from a lack of this seemingly abundant resource. Of all the water present on earth 97.5% of it is not fit to drink.

Only 2.5% of water is consumable, with one third frozen in the form of glaciers and polar ice. The water left for human use is roughly 1% of the total water present. In order to fulfill the demands of consumption, the water from rainfall is collected in huge dams and is purified to make it drinkable. These filtering and detoxifying methods require sufficient funding. Because of the technological and financial resources needed to make water fit to drink, many economically challenged countries simply go without. In addition, there has been a great change in the world weather and the rainfall patterns due to global warming. This phenomenon adds to the water scarcity issue in various parts of the world.

Water conservation should not be considered an option any longer. Current circumstances require our full attention if we hope to thrive as a civilization.

The studies conducted in 2005 revealed that there has been a decrease of 7% in water consumption in households as compared with the results obtained in 2001. The main reason of this reduction in water usage is increased awareness of global warming and involvement in the going green campaigns. Another reason is a boost in green technology and the production of energy efficient appliances.

Water is essential for sustenance of all forms of life on earth. It is not evenly distributed all over the world and even its availability at the same locations is not uniform over the year. While the parts of the world, which are scarce in water, are prone to drought, other parts of the world, which are abundant in water, face a challenging job of optimally managing the available water resources. No doubt the rivers are a great gift of nature and have been playing a significant role in evolution of various civilizations, nonetheless on many occasions, rivers, at the time of floods, have been playing havoc with the life and property of the people. Management of river waters has been, therefore, one of the most prime issues under consideration. Optimal management of river water resources demands that specific plans should be evolved for various river basins which are found to be technically feasible and economically viable after carrying out extensive surveys. Since the advent of civilization, man has been constructing dams and reservoirs for storing surplus river waters available during wet periods and for utilization of the same during lean periods. The dams and reservoirs world over have been playing dual role of harnessing the river waters for accelerating socio-economic growth and mitigating the miseries of a large population of the world suffering from the vagaries of floods and droughts. Dams and reservoirs contribute significantly in fulfilling the following basic human needs: -

Water for drinking and industrial use:

Due to large variations in hydrological cycle, dams and reservoirs are required to be constructed to store water during periods of surplus water availability and conserve the same for utilization during lean periods when the water availability is scarce.

Properly designed and well-constructed dams play a great role in optimally meeting the drinking water requirements of the people.

Water stored in reservoirs is also used vastly for meeting industrial needs. Regulated flow of water from reservoirs help in diluting harmful dissolved substances in river waters during lean periods by supplementing low inflows and thus in maintaining and preserving quality of water within safe limits.


Dams and reservoirs are constructed to store surplus waters during wet periods, which can be used for irrigating arid lands. One of the major benefits of dams and reservoirs is that water flows can be regulated as per agricultural requirements of the various regions over the year.

Dams and reservoirs render unforgettable services to the mankind for meeting irrigation requirements on a gigantic scale.

It is estimated that 80% of additional food production by the year 2025 would be available from the irrigation made possible by dams and reservoirs.

Dams and reservoirs are most needed for meeting irrigation requirements of developing countries, large parts of which are arid zones.There is a need for construction of more reservoir based projects despite widespread measures developed to conserve water through other improvements in irrigation technology.

Flood Control:

Floods in the rivers have been many a time playing havoc with the life and property of the people. Dams and reservoirs can be effectively used to control floods by regulating river water flows downstream the dam.

The dams are designed, constructed and operated as per a specific plan for routing floods through the basin without any damage to life and property of the people.

The water conserved by means of dams and reservoirs at the time of floods can be utilized for meeting irrigation and drinking water requirements and hydro power generation.

Hydro power generation:

Energy plays a key role for socio-economic development of a country. Hydro power provides a cheap, clean and renewable source of energy.

Hydro power is the most advanced and economically viable resource of renewable energy. Reservoir based hydroelectric projects provide much needed peaking power to the grid. Unlike thermal power stations, hydro power stations have fewer technical constraints and the hydro machines are capable of quick start and taking instantaneous load variations.

While large hydro potentials can be exploited through mega hydroelectric projects for meeting power needs on regional or national basis, small hydro potentials can be exploited through mini/micro hydel projects for meeting local power needs of small areas. Besides hydro power generation, multi purpose hydroelectric projects have the benefit of meeting irrigation and drinking water requirements and controlling floods etc.

Inland navigation:

Enhanced inland navigation is a result of comprehensive basin planning and development, utilizing dams, locks and reservoirs that are regulated to play a vital role in realizing large economic benefits of national importance.


One-third of the developing world will face severe water shortages in the twenty-first century even though large amounts of water will continue to annually flood out to sea from water-scarce regions. The problem is that the sporadic, spatial and temporal distribution of precipitation rarely coincides with demand. Whether the demand is for natural processes or human needs, the only way water supply can match demand is through storage.

There are four major ways of storing water—

in the soil profile,

in underground aquifers,

in small reservoirs, and

in large reservoirs behind large dams.

Water Scarcity and the Role of Storage in Development

By 2025, one-third of the population of the developing world will face severe water shortages. Yet, even in many water scarce regions; large amounts of water annually flood out to the sea. Some of this floodwater is committed flow to flush salt and other harmful products out of the system and to maintain the ecological aspects of estuaries and coastal areas. However, in many cases, the floodwater is not fully utilized; and, of course, the floods themselves can do a great deal of harm. This problem is epitomized in India, where annual precipitation is concentrated in the 4 months of the monsoon, and then in only a few hours of these months. Because of the sporadic spatial and temporal distribution of precipitation, the only way water supply can be controlled to match demand is through storage.

On the land, surface water is stored in watercourses, lakes, and other water bodies and in frozen form as snow and ice. Man can create and enhance water storage by such activities as water conservation tillage, constructing dams and dikes to impound water, and artificially recharging groundwater. Regardless of the method or type of storage, the purpose is to capture water when and where its marginal value is low—or, as in the case of floods, even negative—and reallocate it to times and places where its marginal value is high. Here, “marginal value” includes all of the economic, social, and environmental values of water.

India is sometimes referred to as the "Land of Rivers". The multitude of tributaries and the close binding of Indian civilization and culture to the local rivers is the reason for this characterization. The Indian River Systems can be divided into four categories – the Himalayan, the rivers traversing the Deccan Plateau, the Coastal and those in the inland drainage basin. The Himalayan Rivers are perennial as they are fed by melting glaciers every summer. During the monsoon, these rivers assume alarming proportions. Swollen with rainwater, they often inundate villages and towns in their path. India has an annual precipitation of 1140 mm/year, which translates into 400 million hectare meters (mham) of water availability in the country. Out of 400 mham, 70mham is lost to the atmosphere through evaporation, 215 mham recharges the Ground Water, while 115 mham flows as a surface run-off. However the actual surface runoff is 180 mham. As some water comes from Nepal, Tibet etc. These streams which come from catchments areas of other countries feeds the country’s water resources to an extent of 20 mham, while 45 mham is obtained by Ground Water regeneration. Out of 180 mham, 70.2 mham is the utilizable flow. A list of important rivers of India are Beas, Bhagirathi, Brahmaputra, Cauvery (Kaveri) , Chambal, Ganga (Ganges) Godavari, Gomati, Indus, Jhelum, Krishna, Kali, Mandovi,  Narmada,  Periyar,  Ravi,  Sharavati, Sutlej, Tapti, Tungabhadra, Yamuna .


Theses record illustrates that India can be the largest manufacturer of dam, If Government emphasis on it at priority basis. A dam is a barrier that impounds water or underground streams. India having maximum rivers and good rainfall lack dam construction, list of largest dams in world is enclosed, in which no Indian dam exists. The datas show that Dams generally serve the primary purpose of retaining water, while other structures such as floodgates or levees (also known as dikes) are used to manage or prevent water flow into specific land regions. Hydropower and pumped-storage hydroelectricity are often used in conjunction with dams to generate electricity. A dam can also be used to collect water or for storage of water which can be evenly distributed between locations. After independence we have made lots of progress in Dam and Water Reservoirs, Now India is one of the world’s most prolific dam-builders. Around 4300 large dams already constructed and many more in the pipeline, Almost half of which are more than twenty years old.

  The dam benefits human society in several ways such as: agriculture, water, damage prevention and power generation, it also benefits nature and wildlife (especially fish and rare species), impact on the geology of an area - whether the change to water flow and levels will increase. Reservoirs held behind dams affect many ecological aspects of a river. Rivers topography and dynamics depend on a wide range of flows whilst rivers below dams often experience long periods of very stable flow conditions or saw tooth flow patterns caused by releases followed by no releases. The impact of dam on human society is also significant; they get water source, electricity and opportunities of employment in the region of dam establishment.


Agarwal, Anil; and Sunita Narain (Eds.). 1997. Dying wisdom: Rise, fall and potential of India’s traditional water

Babbitt, Bruce. 1998. Dams are not forever. Remarks of the Secretary of the United States Department of Interior to

the Ecological Society of America, August 4, 1998, Baltimore, MD, USA. Speech available at

Chambers, Robert. 1988. Managing Canal Irrigation. Oxford, England and New Delhi, India: Oxford & IBH Publishing

Company Pvt. Ltd.

Gleick, Peter (editor). 1993. Water in crisis: A guide to the world’s fresh water resources. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.

Gleick, Peter. 1998. The world’s water 1998-1999: The biennial report on freshwater resources. Washington, D.C.,USA: Island Press. International Commission on Large Dams.

Journal of Applied Irrigation Science, Volume 33, No. 2, October 1998, Frankfurt, Germany.

Agrawal and Narain 1997

Monday, June 13, 2011


(Analytical study)

Dr. Vandana Tiwari
Department of Economics
Mata Gujri Mahila Mahavidyalaya


Swami Ramdev Maharaj is a revered saint and a preacher from India. He has created a "Yog" revolution by teaching Pranayama, an ancient Indian art of breathing exercises. Swami Ji deeply studied and mastered the art of Yog (an art of mind and body control, which was discovered, researched and perfected by learned saints and seers of ancient India). Saint Patanjali, more than thousand years ago, compiled this knowledge and popularized it in his writings. Swami Ji, while studying these ancient scriptures, realized that Yog is a divine science which brings mankind on the path of positive thinking and a healthier body. In an era when medical treatment is too expensive, not an ordinary man can afford it. His methods of ailment give relief to people.
While yoga will take care of physical, mental and spiritual health, the downslide, in social, political and economic system of the country will be salvaged only through the patriotic zeal, fearlessness and strong character, of which he himself is a living example. He has given a clarion call to the people to come forward and save the country and the democracy. He wants to see an addiction-free, vegetarian, corruption-free India, proud of its swadeshi products. His mind may be soaring in the ethereal spheres of spiritualism, but his feet are firmly planted on earth where he is very much alive to the mundane concerns such as treatment/ enrichment of soil, cow breeding/cow protection, cleaning the Ganga etc.
I believe that Ramdev ji is actively working for social and economic development of the nation. By investing more than 500 crores and employing Lakhs of people through it, he has proved to be a good entrepreneur. It is often taught that India needs to generate employment, through identification and exploitation of natural resources, but he actually identified the need and is creating employment. Total investment of more then 4000 crores, and accepting it, itself makes him qualified to protest against Black money.
Not only is this but he is also standing without any personal motive and selflessly, with the public to speak against corruption which is wide spread in India.


Ramdev has clarified in so many yog shivir to the public that he had no political ambitions nor he is running away from the society to observe penance at the Himalayas. But he feels his obligatory duty to reform social and political ambiguities apart from popularising yoga and thus strengthening each individual and nation of India.[29] He also suggests that a political system already exist in India but it is the duty of every citizen not to create more political parties. In stead he must remain vigilant and confirm that the elected government is delivering its duty or not.
Focusing on organic farming Baba Ramdev is now all set to show his entrepreneurship, by establishing country’s first mega food park .Swami Ramdev's flagship project, the Patanjali Yog Peeth (P.Y.P.) Trust, was inaugurated on August 6, 2006. Prime aim of this base institution is to build the world's largest centre for Ayurved and Yog that includes facilities for treatment, research and a teaching university. Patanjali Ayurved College, Patanjali Chikitsalaya, Yog Gram, Go-Shala, Patanjali Herbal Botanical Garden, Organic Agriculture Farm, Patanjali Food And Herbal Park Ltd are some of its known institutions which are successfully run under the guidance of Swami Ramdev and his right hand Acharya Bal Krishna. The project is 10 times bigger than Divya Pharmacy.
An investment of Rs 500 crore is expected in the food park, which is considered to be the biggest in India.
At least two-dozen factories related to organic, herbal and other agriculture products would be set up in the food park.
The food park has been built on 100 acres of land in Padartha area of Haridwar district. Nearly five companies had already invested Rs 200-300 crores. The capacity of the food park would be 1,000 million tones per day.
“Through this endeavour PYP is procuring agriculture produce directly from farmers giving them all their dues in Uttarakhand and other areas? Apart from this  food park has provided employment to nearly 50,000 families.
The centre has proposed to set up 10 mega food parks under the 11th 5-year Plan. Each food park is expected to have 20-30 units.
A couple of factories linked to food processing is started in about 95 acres of land around the village. It is a first step taken by the Patanjali Yog Peeth towards empowerment of agro economy of the state. Around 650 tone material per day is processed at the park-the first in the world.  
Through this endeavour, PYP will be procuring agricultural produce directly from farmers, giving them all their dues in Uttarakhand and other areas. ''The main reason for establishing this park is to benefit farmers and give them the most appropriate price of their produce. It will provide health to 40 crore urbans and a source of income to over 40 crore people living in villages.
''The move will lead to industrialisation of Agricultural produce and encourage them to use herbs as food supplement,'' he added. This project aims at having 32 processing units to obtain value added products of fruits and vegetables like juice, pulp, puree, candies, herbal products and pickles. Many entrepreneurs from all over the country will be associated in this mega project sharing common infrastructure and support services. In the first phase of its establishment, factories for processing juices of Lauki, Karela, Carrot, Amla, Aloe Vera, Pudina, Tulsi, Tomato, Cucumber and Wheat Grass are proposed to be established. Carrot and papaya candy making plant machinery will also be commissioned. It will be a boon for the growers of these fruits and vegetables since they can give their bulk produce to feed this mega utility Park. The growers will be trained how to grow Amla and Aloe Vera crops on barren lands by the training centers of the food park. Patanjali Yog Peeth will develop 100 such centers which will also provide good quality seed and manure to the farmers. It is proposed that a unit for powder and extract making of herbs will be established at a later stage. Bio diesel project to be procured from Jetropa and crude palm oil is another project in the pipeline. The whole food project has a socio economic impact on the local cultivators, farmers and processors reducing the role of middlemen and giving direct benefit to the growers. Already, several herbal products made at Patanjali Yogpeeth are popular in the market. In the proposed food park at Padartha, Baba Ramdev will also offer various juices from different vegetables and fruits like carrot and papaya. A factory for bio-diesel from jetropha has also been proposed in the food park.
Patanjali Yog Peeth has acquired a Scottish Island for about £2 million to set up a wellness retreat. The Little Cumbrae Island, off the fishing town of Largs in Scotland, will also serve as the yoga’s base overseas, where the teachings of yoga as a means to cleanse the body and mind will be provided. The acquisition of the land itself was carried out by a Scottish couple of Indian origin, Sam and Sunita Poddar, to expand the base of Patanjali Yog Peeth — the institution founded by Ramdev for scientific research and treatment in yog, spiritualism and ayurveda abroad. The island premises was inaugurated by Swami Ramdev in September 2009 with a ‘Yagya' (a Vedic Ritual System in the presence of a purifying fire). These premises are administered by the Patanjali Yogpeeth (UK) Trust.
Some useful books are also published by its sister concern Divya Prakashan. Yog Sandesh is its authorised journal which is being published in 11 languages viz. Hindi, English, Gujarati, Marathi, Punjabi, Bengali, Oriya, Assamese, Nepali, Kannad and Telugu. Monthly readers of this multi lingual journal are more than one million.
Already, several herbal products made at Patanjali Yogpeeth are big hit in the market. In the proposed food park at Padartha, Baba Ramdev would also make various juices from different vegetables and fruits like carrot and papaya. One factory on bio-diesel from jetropha is also proposed in the food park. A sum of Rs 35,000 crores has been assured for the 10 mega food parks which are being built in different parts of the country.
Every story has something to tell and something we can learn from. The success story of Ramdev baba shows his economic skills too. Keeping this in mind, “Customer is cost-sensitive” is more like a stone carving than a euphoric realization. This is exactly what Baba Ramdev’s Divya Yoga Trust came up with for the devotees (and for the non-devotees) by launching daily consumer products ranging from toothpaste to hair oil to tea leaves to medicines. These products have taken over households by storm and especially the joint families where the older generation still has an influential say. This calculation of baba must have benefited his PYP and has proved to decrease outflow of Indian currency to multinational companies. He has stopped the flow of Indian currency through his following efforts also:
He also educates the public that commercially available aerated drinks are more harmful to the children as well as to the adults due to the presence of phosphoric acids, preservatives, unknown chemicals and emulsifiers. he has raises the issue of increased consumption of fast foods, packed foods and soft drinks by the common people. He usually calls in his public meetings to take pledge by every citizen of India to avoid consuming commercial aerated drinks to protect individual health as well as to avoid Indian currency reaching to multinational companies. In stead he advices the public to take hot water, milk or traditional Indian juices only so that our country may become prosperous.
He gives his suggestion as an thoughtful economist for   bringing back black money. Swami Ramdev proposes that the black money stashed in foreign banks by Indian individuals should be declared national property to retrieve our country from foreign exploitation. He also emphasizes that money kept in foreign banks actually belongs to India and it should be immediately brought to India. Not only proposes but he strongly demands also to the Indian government for immediate declaration of the black money kept by Indian politicians and businessmen in Swiss Banks as national property, so that the money could be used for the welfare of the common man when it is brought back to the country. And in the last he suggests that no pardon should be given to any body who handled black money or stashed black money in foreign banks whosoever he be. Notwithstanding, he or she should be given capital punishment or life long imprisonment. Many find his insistence in this regard to be in dissonance with the tradition of yoga he inherits and claims as Hinduism’s gift. However, given the violent nature of the Hindu revival in India [14], most such unease is easily brushed aside by both- those who identify with the Fundamentalist Right-wing in the country and those who do not. Swami Ramdev has publicly raised the issue of bringing back Indian money stashed away illegally in Swiss banks. He says that the government must take concrete action and bring back the money as it belongs to the people of India and has been taken out of the country illegally.[7] He proposed that the exchange rate of the Indian rupee to the US dollar will rise from 50:1 ratio to 1:50 ratio if the black money is retrieved.
The trust primarily offers free treatment to those who cannot afford to pay. For others, treatment is provided at a lower cost than the other hospitals. Second phase of PYP has also started its working.
Through his Yog shivir’s Baba Ramdev is truly doing stress management in present stressed nation.
Through PYP, Swami Ramdev continues to work with various institutions and medical organizations in an effort to study and improve the effectiveness of yog against diseases like diabetes, hypertension, obesity, etc.
Baba Ramdev has been organising yoga camps across India to create awareness amongst people for healthy living and create awareness regarding following practices in India:
1.      He also says that the use of fertilizers and pesticides has led to an undue load on the poverty of farmers and increased the profits of large business houses involved in this trade.
2.       This type of malpractice poses a big threat to farmers as well as to the health of the common man since the farm land is increasingly becoming barren and contaminated with harmful chemicals. The farming produces like grains, fruits and vegetables are contaminated with inorganic fertilizers and pesticides.
3.      Swami Ramdev blames the corrupt governance practices for the miserable conditions of the poor farmers and other backward class of the society. He says that agriculture is the biggest contributor to India's economy and yet the farmers are the most poverty stricken class of the country. So far as the illegal mining is concerned he puts the record before the people and says that there is the permission for only 200 mining leases but one lakh illegal mines are operational in the country. According to a rough estimate, 18% of the iron ore exported from Goa comes from illegal mines. The state has 100-odd legal mining leases. He also describes illegal mining in India as one of the major social issue that requires an immediate ban.
4.       Black money deposited in various Swiss Banks by Indians is alleged to amount more than Rs 7,280,000 Crores (USD $1.4 trillion), but the exact figure is not yet known to the public. This amount is 2 times larger than the nation's foreign debt. In January 2011 the Supreme Court of India asked why the names of those who have stashed money in the Liechtenstein Bank have not been disclosed.
5.       Not only he raises the issues but also suggests the solutions which seem to be revolutionary based on the economic science. First of all he gives a concrete suggestion by which the use of black money can be eradicated. The six point solution suggested by him are: 1. Withdrawal and demonetizing of Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000 currency notes - so as to avoid misuse of unaccounted money and quick arrest of the entire locally circulated black money, bribing, and fake note traffic. 2. Agree to and accept the U.N. Convention against Corruption – pending since 2006. 3. Death penalty provision for the corrupt persons in Indian Penal Code. 4. Access, monitor and disrupt payment gateway servers enabling corrupt people to manage money in tax heavens. 5. Scrutinizing accounts of people having credit/debit cards of foreign banks without any foreign work/relation. And 6. Disabling operations of any bank from a tax heaven country.
Vision of Ramdev Baba:
Ramdev Baba’s Vision describing him ENTERPRENUER and SOCIAL WORKER are as follows:
  • To make a disease free world through a scientific approach to Yoga and Ayurveda.
  •  To establish a new World Health Organisation, to fulfill the resolution of making a new world order free from disease and medicine, through research work on the knowledge-base of our great saints and sages viz. Maharishi Patanjali, Charak and Sushurut.
  •  Making the world a peaceful and tranquil place by using Yogic techniques to eradicate fatal effects of medicines and weapons.
  •  To study and research subjects associated with Yajna, Organic Agriculture, Cow-Urine, Nature and Environment in addition to the study and research in Yoga and Ayurveda at the research centre of Institution.
  •  Besides imparting Yoga and health education, to set up an equalitarian society based on values of spiritualism, nationalism and justice beyond the boundaries of cast, creed, class and religion for the country's development.
  •  To establish India as the strongest Economic and Cultural power in the world to provide an atmosphere for every citizen of the world to live with pride.
  •  For realisation of dream of healthy, strong, prosperous and advanced India, far from caste, creed, class, religion, region, corruption and violence through Yoga.
  •  To open and establish charitable hospitals for the treatment of the helpless poor out caste and also to distribute free medicines, cloths and food articles in the trible areas.
  •  To furnish and equip the charitable hospital with modern medical facilities.
  •  To run the free educational centers and to facilitate the worthy poor helpless orphans students by providing clothes, food, study materials and lodging.
  •  To help and co-operate the relief activities related to flood, earthquake, epidemic drought etc.
  •  To co-operate other such institutions and organizations which match or aims and objectives, and order to fulfill these aims and objectives to accept the donating of money, land etc.
  •  To grow different kinds of herbal medicines through preservation of different categories of species. Conservation, preservation, and different kind of medicinal gardens for it. Construction of green house etc. For the promotion and conservation of herbal medicine a cooperative institution will be formed for the farmers to sow herbal medicines. To generate employment and to increase the purchasing power of farmers and to sale purchase medicines for manufacturing pure medicines.
  •  Publication of different monthly, fortnightly and yearly magazines and writing and publication of research books on nationalism, spiritualism, Yog, Ayurved and arrangement of publication, reprinting, original writing, compilation and to spread these Vedic ancient treatise among the general public. To establish a printing press.
  •  To open the free of cost educational institute in rural and backward areas for the females and children below 12 years of age. To open medical and engineering institutes in the area of below 5 lakh population. To open training and vocational institutes in such areas. To establish employment oriented training institutes for. Development and establishment of Yog and Ayurved based medicinal studies particularly for eligible, educated unemployed and helpless people so that they can realize the dreams of medicine free society by spreading Yog and Ayurved, herbal medicine in every nook and corner of the world.
  •  To establish a new World Health Organisation, to fulfill the resolution of making a new world order free from disease and medicine, through research work on the knowledge-base of our great saints and sages viz. Maharishi Patanjali, Charak and Sushurut.
  •  Making the world a peaceful and tranquil place by using Yogic techniques to eradicate fatal effects of medicines and weapons.
  •  To study and research subjects associated with Yajna, Organic Agriculture, Cow-Urine, Nature and Environment in addition to the study and research in Yoga and Ayurveda at the research centre of Institution.
  •  Besides imparting Yoga and health education, to set up an equalitarian society based on values of spiritualism, nationalism and justice beyond the boundaries of cast, creed, class and religion for the country's development.
  •  To establish India as the strongest Economic and Cultural power in the world to provide an atmosphere for every citizen of the world to live with pride.
  •  For realisation of dream of healthy, strong, prosperous and advanced India, far from caste, creed, class, religion, region, corruption and violence through Yoga.
  •  To open and establish charitable hospitals for the treatment of the helpless poor out caste and also to distribute free medicines, cloths and food articles in the trible areas.
  •  To furnish and equip the charitable hospital with modern medical facilities.
  •  To run the free educational centers and to facilitate the worthy poor helpless orphans students by providing clothes, food, study materials and lodging.
  •  To help and co-operate the relief activities related to flood, earthquake, epidemic drought etc.
  •  To co-operate other such institutions and organizations which match or aims and objectives, and order to fulfill these aims and objectives to accept the donating of money, land etc.
  •  To grow different kinds of herbal medicines through preservation of different categories of species. Conservation, preservation, and different kind of medicinal gardens for it. Construction of green house etc. For the promotion and conservation of herbal medicine a cooperative institution will be formed for the farmers to sow herbal medicines. To generate employment and to increase the purchasing power of farmers and to sale purchase medicines for manufacturing pure medicines.
  •  Publication of different monthly, fortnightly and yearly magazines and writing and publication of research books on nationalism, spiritualism, Yog, Ayurved and arrangement of publication, reprinting, original writing, compilation and to spread these Vedic ancient treatise among the general public. To establish a printing press.
  •  To open the free of cost educational institute in rural and backward areas for the females and children below 12 years of age. To open medical and engineering institutes in the area of below 5 lakh population. To open training and vocational institutes in such areas. To establish employment oriented training institutes for. Development and establishment of Yog and Ayurved based medicinal studies particularly for eligible, educated unemployed and helpless people so that they can realize the dreams of medicine free society by spreading Yog and Ayurved, herbal medicine in every nook and corner of the world.
  •  To do research and spread the uses of non conventional energies like biogas solar energy, gobar gas particularly in rural areas.
Baba Ramdev has been probably most successful of God men of recent times. He claims to have a following of over a billion people. There are an infinite number of people claiming that his yoga therapy and medicines work wonders for their health. Baba in a short span of time has built a multi million empire; his Trust is owning series of Ashrams, ayurvedic drug factories, yoga training centers and many such things, in India and abroad. Overall the medicines prescribed-marketed by him are selling like hot cakes. He himself adorns the divine status and his followers also regard him so, a saint, above the worldly matters. His saffron robes are a symbol of renunciation as such. All this is remarkable, good of both the Worlds, as he is not only wearing divine halo but is also presiding over the empire running into hundreds of crores of rupees built in last decade or so and now entering politics too.
I believe that Ramdev ji is actively working for social and economic development of the nation. By investing more than 500 crores and employing Lakhs of people through it, he has proved to be a good entrepreneur. It is often taught that India needs to generate employment, through identification and exploitation of natural resources, but he actually identified the need and is creating employment.
Not only is this but he is also standing without any personal motive and selflessly, with the public to speak against corruption which is wide spread in India.
The HINDU: April 14 2011, Ramdev to launch people to root out Corruption.
Times of India 22 April 201: Baba Ramdev Slams Congress.