Dr. Vandana Tiwari ( Astt. Prof)
Mata Gujri
Women’s College
Large population of India is dependent on agriculture for
their livelihood. But Indian agriculture is low productive are with large
number of disguised unemployed. Present paper is an attempt to highlight the
importance of developing entrepreneurship in the area of agriculture.
Agripreneurship is solution to many economic problems like urbanization,
poverty, unemployment and economic development. It helps in rural development.
But development of entrepreneurship in the areas of agriculture requires
special skills like human development, knowledge of agriculture, knowledge of
global agriculture market.
between agriculture and youth
vision of India is to become a welfare state, to reach the target for
prosperity for all. The basic developmental needs still exist in our life
spirit. We still hope to become a prosperous country.
Secondly, the country enjoyed tremendous economic growth in the 1980s and much of the 1990s, due to abundant natural resources and increases in the manufacturing and services sectors. As a result, India’s middle class grew considerably, but poverty remained widespread. Now the situation of food crisis will arrive. Nothing is older to man than his struggle for food. From the time the early hunters stalked the mammoths and the first sedentary "farmers" scratched the soil to coax scrawny grain to grow, man has battled hunger. Our future standard of living rests squarely on our ability to innovate. Many economists now believe that world economy is transition from managerial economy – where the focus is on job and employment – to an entrepreneurial economy in which innovation, agility, and the capacity to respond to the unmet needs in society will be the key to sustained economic growth. Entrepreneurship in agriculture and the allied sector is one of the prime needs of today’s economy. That can be the best source for the Government to fight against various problems of economy. The growing need of today’s economy is certainly emphasizing on food crisis, poverty, and unemployment and as a result to that crime. I strongly believe that switching over to agriculture can solve the problems to greater extent. Through agriculture we have various scopes, which is briefly discussed in this paper.
is the mainstay of the Indian economy because of its high share in employment
and livelihood creation. It supports more than half a billion people providing
employment to 52 per cent of the workforce. Its contribution to the nation's
GDP is about 18.5 per cent in 2006-07. It is also an important source of raw
material and demand for many industrial products, particularly fertilizers,
pesticides, agricultural implements and a variety of consumer goods.
being a State subject, it is the responsibility of the State Governments to
ensure growth and development of the sector within their respective State.
Accordingly, separate departments have been set up in several States.
The rapid
growth of agriculture is essential not only for self-reliance but also for
meeting the food and nutritional security of the people, to bring about
equitable distribution of income and wealth in rural areas as well as to reduce
poverty and improve the quality of life.
It is also an
important source of raw material and demand for many industrial products,
particularly fertilizers, pesticides, agricultural implements and a variety of
consumer goods.
Horticulture and Allied Sectors
and allied' sector is an integral
element for food and nutritional security in the country. Horticulture is the
main segment, while its various sub-segments are fruits, vegetables, aromatic
and herbal plants, flowers, spices and plantation crops. All these are regarded
as the essential ingredients of economic security. The wide range of
agro-climatic conditions of India is conducive for growing a large variety of
horticultural crops, including, root and tuber crops, mushroom, ornamental
crops, plantation crops like coconut, areca nut, cashew and cocoa. Horticulture seeks to create ample
opportunities for employment, particularly for unemployed youths and women
folk. India has maintained leadership in the production of many commodities
like mango, banana, acid lime, coconut, areca nut, cashew, ginger, turmeric and
black pepper. Presently, it is the second largest producer of fruits and
vegetables in the world.
Over the
years, much progress has been made for the advancement of horticulture and
allied sector. Rising investments have resulted in increased production and
availability of horticultural produce in the rural and urban areas.
and Vegetables
India is the
fruit and vegetable basket of the world. India being a home of wide variety of
fruits and vegetables holds a unique position in production figures among other
countries. Over 90% of India's exports in fresh products goes to west Asia and
East European markets. However, it needs to augment its food and processing
industry at a mega scale, according to an agriculture consultant.
Ministry of
Food Processing Industry is the main central agency of the Government
responsible for developing a strong and vibrant food processing sector. It has
been set up with a view to create increased job opportunities in rural areas,
enable the farmers to reap benefit from modern technology, create surplus for
exports and stimulate demand for processed food.
Commercial floriculture has
been of recent origin though the traditional flower cultivation has been going
on for centuries. Emphasis has been shifting from traditional flowers to cut
flowers for export purposes. The liberalization of economy since 1991-92 has
given an impetus to the Indian entrepreneurs for establishing export oriental
floriculture unit under controlled climatic conditions.
Floriculture is one such scheme implemented by Government with the objectives
of improve production and productivity of traditional as well as cut flowers
through availability of quality planting material and transfer technology,
improve human resource capabilities for growing flowers scientifically, promote
production of off season and quality flowers through protected cultivation as
well as improve on farm post harvest handling of flowers. State Governments
have set up separate departments for promotion and development of the sector in
their respective States.
and Herbal Plantations
herbal and aromatic plants constitute a large segment of the flora, which
provide raw materials for use by pharmaceutical, cosmetic, fragrance and flavor
industries. They have been used in the country for a long time for their
medicinal properties. India is considered as a treasure house of valuable
medicinal and aromatic plant species. It has 15 agro-climatic zones, 47000
different plant species and 15000 medicinal plants. About 2000 native plant
species have curative properties and 1300 species are known for their aroma and
flavors. The Indian systems of medicines, popularly known as Ayurveda, Unani
and Siddha drugs are of great demand in the country. It has identified 1500
medicinal plants, of which 500 species are mostly used in the preparation of
The medicinal plants
contribute to cater 80% of the raw materials used in the preparation of drugs.
The effectiveness of these drugs mainly depends upon the proper use and
sustained availability of genuine raw materials.
Further, India presents a
great investment and business opportunity in the herbal sector, with the
prospects of the country emerging as a global leader in the field. In recent
times, there has been an enlightened awareness among the citizens of the
country about the natural advantages that this country is endowed with. Herbal
Tea is one of the most commonly used aromatic herbs, which has its own
importance. It is gaining popularity due to its multipoint effects. The thrust
area is to develop the disease-specific herbal tea. All this proves that India
has one of the richest plant medical cultures in the world. There exists
innumerable opportunities in the various segments of aromatic, medicinal and
herbal plantations. Various efforts, both at the Central and State level, have
been actively undertaken to attract significant investments into the sector and
promote entrepreneurial activities therein.
crops in India are considered to be the main segment of the horticulture crops.
They are the mainstay of agrarian economies in many States and Union
Territories (UTs) of the country. They play an important role in the
agricultural and industrial development of the country as a whole. They
contribute a significant amount to the national exchequer and country's exports
by way of excise and export earnings. They also provide direct and indirect
employment to large number of people in the country, and thus tries to
supplement the poverty alleviation programmes, especially in rural sector.
crops constitute a large group of crops. The major plantation crops include
coconut, areca nut, oil palm, cashew, tea, coffee and rubber; and the minor
plantation crops include cocoa. India is the largest producer and consumer of cashew
But, in
India, plantation crops have been continuously facing the problem of lack of
investment and depressed yields, and are in great need of modernization. Their
total coverage is comparatively less and they are mostly confined to small
Spices are
one of the main horticulture crops, which are used for flavoring and seasoning
the food substances. It is basically defined as vegetable products or mixtures
thereof, free from extraneous matter, used for imparting aroma in foods. Due to
liberalization of Indian economy, the spices industry of India has grown very
rapidly. It is a source of livelihood and employment for large number of people
in the country, especially for rural population. India is known as the home of
spices and produces a wide variety of spices like black pepper, cardamom (small
and large), ginger, garlic, turmeric, chili, etc. It is the largest producer,
consumer and exporter of spices and spice products. Out of the 109 spices
listed by the ISO, India produces as many as 75 owing to its varied agro
climatic regions. Almost all the States and Union Territories (UTs) of the
country grow one or the other spices.
Husbandry and Dairying
Husbandry and Dairying is a State subject and the State Governments are
primarily responsible for the growth of the sector. Dairying has become an
important secondary source of income and employment for millions of rural
families. The Indian Dairy Industry acquired substantial growth momentum from
9th Plan onwards, achieving an annual output of 97.1 million tones of milk
during 2005-06. India's milk output during the year 2006-2007 reached the level
of 100.9 million tones (provisional). This has not only placed the country on
top in the world, but also represents sustained growth in the availability of
milk and milk products for the burgeoning population of the country.
The 'fisheries and aquaculture sector'
is recognized as the sunshine sector in Indian agriculture. It stimulates
growth of number of subsidiary industries and is the source of livelihood for a
large section of economically backward population, especially fishermen, of the
country. It helps in increasing food supply, generating adequate employment
opportunities and raising nutritional level. It has a huge export potential and
is a big source of foreign exchange earnings for the country.
Over the years, fisheries'
industry is emerging and rapidly growing. This covers both capture and culture
including inland and sea, aquaculture, gears, navigation, oceanography,
aquarium management, breeding, processing, export and import of seafood,
special products and by-products, research and related activities. There exists
several investment opportunities in the sector for the entrepreneur’s world
Silk is a way of life in
India. Over thousands of years, it has become an inseparable part of Indian
culture and tradition. No ritual is complete without silk being used as a wear
in some form or the other. Sericulture and Silk Textiles Industry is one of the
major sub-sector comprising the textiles sector. Sericulture is an agro-based
cottage industry. Sericulture refers to the mass-scale rearing of silk
producing organisms in order to obtain silk. Sericulture is one of the most
labor intensive sectors, combining activities of both agriculture (sericulture)
and industry. India is ranked as the second major raw silk producer in the
It is the only one cash crop
in agriculture sector that gives returns within 30 days. Sericulture emerged as
an important economic activity, becoming increasingly popular in several parts
of the country, because of its short gestation period, quick recycling of
resources. It suits very well to all types of farmers and exceptionally for
marginal and small land holders as it offers rich opportunities for enhancement
of income and creates own family employment round the year.
Government Policies and
Several significant
initiatives have been taken in recent years by the Government in order to
reverse the downward trend in agricultural production. Some of these important
initiatives include:
Areas of Improvement
Undoubtabely, Government of
India has made various fruitful efforts, through finance, irrigation,
subsidies, at as discussed above. Scope
of Growth in Agricultural and Allied sectors has also increased. But Social,
Educational and political structure of the nation has kept us far behind, where
we could have been. I believe in spite of neglecting this sector, and promoting
industrial sector, Government should give maximum emphasis in Five-year plans
on it. This can be the only bypass, through which nation can solve many of its
Indian Agriculture has come a long way, there are certain implications that
have to be addressed for national and nutritional security. Our population is
expected to be 1.4 billion by 2020. The increasing population, coupled with
growing income will generate increased demand for food grains and non-food
grain crops. Therefore, Indian agriculture has to achieve a higher growth rate
targeted at 4 per cent per annum on a sustainable basis. Acceleration of growth
of this sector will not only push the overall GDP growth upwards, it would also
make the growth more inclusive.
The long-term
policy framework at broad sect oral level needs to be strengthened and focused
on improving inter- and intra-sect oral linkages. In addition, there is a need
to build an outcome oriented perspective in the implementation of public
programmes in the area of irrigation, fertilizers, use of high-yielding
varieties of seeds, extension support for facilitating adoption of improved
practices, and market access.
Avaibility of land
Since increase in net sown
area has flattened out, further increase in agriculture production needs to
come through an increase in gross cropped area (multiple cropping), coverage of
area under irrigation and improvement in the productivity levels. Practice of sanctioning fertile land for
industries like tata motors should be strictly prohibited. As establishment of
such industries can be done in non-fertile land like in Tamil nadu and Andhra Pradesh.
There are acres of land lying baron in those areas.
When land is
provided to mines for mining of ores, as far as I know they are not returned
back to farmers for agricultural produce. This practice is continuously
decreasing the land use patterns in India. Many families who have got
agricultural land from their ancestors. But have shifted their profession to
service sector, keeping un ploughed land for the sake of family honor. Such
land should be ceased and given to poor or landless farmers. Just as it
happened during land reforms after independence.
Promoting agricultural produce and technology
agricultural economics as a subject in schools as a foundation course would
also add upon encouraging youths to make their career in agriculture.
agriculture financially more earned would help them to motivate towards this
agriculture also has to diversify into high-value crops, raise productivity,
restore soil health and enhance the application of modern technologies
including biotechnology. Strengthen the bio-security of crops, farm animals, and
fish and forest trees for safeguarding the livelihood and income security of
farmer families and the health and trade security of the nation.
of modern agricultural practices and technologies is inadequate, hampered by
ignorance of such practices, high costs and impracticality in the case of small
land holdings. Role of Food processing
Industry, which is the main central agency of the Government responsible for
developing a strong, and vibrant food processing sector should be increased and
given high priority. It has been set up with a view to create increased job
opportunities in rural areas, enable the farmers to reap benefit from modern
technology, create surplus for exports and stimulate demand for processed food.
The ministry of food processing industry should conduct training camps,
workshops frequently in various divisions to encourage youngsters towards
development of agricultural entrepreneurship
Changing pattern of financial
While public investment in
agriculture may not have kept pace with the requirements of the sector, food
and fertilizer subsidies have supported the agriculture sector. There may be a
need for better targeting of these subsidies with a view to optimize the
resource allocation and returns there from. Instead of giving loans, farmers
should be given equipments, as loans are usually utilized for fulfilling family
needs, and finally government has to excuse the amount of loan. The pattern of
financial loan should necessarily be changed. Farmers should be given
agricultural commodities, as per their need, instead of cash. As the monetary
amount is utilized for fulfilling other social and family needs. This has
resulted to increase in agricultural debt.
Involving young generation in
employment policies should be integrated with other policies regarding youth
such as educational, training and investment policies. There is lot of baron
lands lying over this can be ploughed by unemployed, in spite of giving them berozgari
bhatta. This will make them divert towards this field instead of crime.
Human resource development of the persons engaged in agriculture is necessary
not only to have greater penetration of better technology but also because new
skill sets would be necessary to enable underemployed labor in this sector to
get absorbed in other fast growing sectors. Government should introduce
measures that can help attract and retain youths in farming and processing of
farm products for higher value addition by making it intellectually stimulating
and economically rewarding.
Few state of
India has recently over gone the elections. The prominent and big leaders
delivered their speeches. But to my surprise none discussed about agriculture.
Only industrial development was discussed and priorities. It is shameful for us
to purchase vegetables and Rs 100/ kg and above. Being a agriculturist nation,
at least food supply should never slow down. The nation can achieve self
subsistence and sustainable growth only through uplifting Agriculture. Instead
of opening various technical Colleges, some changes must be made towards
agricultural education. Policies regarding non sale of Agricultural land for
Commercial purpose must be set up. ADOPT AGRICULTURE TO SAVE THE NATION.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Encouraging youth towards Entrepreneurship in Agriculture and Allied sectors
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