Saturday, December 3, 2011

Renewable Energy and Globalization

Energy is the key constraint to the world's development and economic growth especially in the third world countries. Fossil fuels that cause air pollution, environmental degradation, acid rain and global warming are finite. Failure to recognize this finiteness will result in continuing energy crises. Our timescale for change is decades not centuries. Renewable energy will play a substantial role helping us meet our energy needs and to keep our earth healthy.

Renewable Energy Management is an efficient use of all Renewable Energy Sources generated from Bio fuels, Biomass, Bio gas, Sun as Solar Energy, Earth as Geothermal Energy, Water as Hydro power, Wind as Wind Energy, Ocean Waves as Wave Energy, Tidal Currents as Tidal Energy, Magnetic Fields as Eddy Currents; while achieving Energy Efficiency through Green Technology to reduce Global Warming Causes and Effects to a higher extent possible. It is the combination of Renewable Solutions and is the only way to reduce global warming, to control climate change and to protect nature & wildlife from human disturbances.

Renewable Energy Sources

  • Bio fuel energy - Plants use photosynthesis to grow and produce biomass. Bio fuel is burned to release its stored chemical energy. Biofuels can be made from waste, virgin vegetable, animal oils and fats.
  • Bio gas energy - Various waste streams are slurred together and allowed to naturally ferment, producing methane gas by using biogas plants or mechanical biological treatment. Renewable natural gas is a bio gas which has been upgraded to a quality similar to natural gas.
  • Biomass energy - Biomass forms and sources include wood fuel, the bio genic portion of municipal solid waste, or the unused portion of field crops. Energy harvesting via a bio reactor is a cost-effective solution to waste disposal.
  • Geothermal Energy - Geothermal energy derives from heat in the Earth's core by tapping the heat deep into Earth's crust.
  • Magnetic energy - Magnetic energy derives from relative motion of the field source and conductor producing a circulating flow of electrons or a current. These circulating eddies of current create induced magnetic fields that oppose the change of original magnetic field causing repulsive or drag forces between conductor and magnet.
  • Solar energy - Solar energy refers to the energy collected from sunlight. The water absorbs major fraction of incoming sun radiation. Most radiation is absorbed at low latitudes around the equator, but solar energy is dissipated around the globe in the form of winds and ocean currents.
  • Tidal energy - Tidal energy is generated by the relative motion of Earth, Sun and Moon, which interact via gravitational forces. The stronger the tide, either in water level height or tidal current velocities, the greater the potential for tidal energy generation.
  • Wave Energy - Wave energy is the transport and capture of energy by ocean surface waves to do useful work. Wave energy is distinct from diurnal flux of tidal power and steady gyre of ocean currents.
  • Water Energy - Kinetic energy in water can be harnessed and used. Hydroelectricity is the production of power through use of gravitational force of falling or flowing water.
  •  Wind energy - Air flows are used to run wind turbines to produce power. As wind speed increases, power output increases dramatically. Wind energy is renewable and produces no greenhouse gases, such as carbon-dioxide or methane, during operation.
The Advantage of Renewable Energy
·         We can use it repeatedly without depleting it: Using renewable energy however merely taps into a natural flow of energy, sunlight, moving water, wind, biological- or geothermal processes. These are part of natural cycles of highs and lows. Their energy is truly renewable as it remains available to the same degree and is not depleted any more than it otherwise would by using it
·         Optimum Utilization of Natural Resource: An advantage of renewable energy therefore is that it requires us to rise to the occasion, and to bring out our best inner resources.
  • No contribution to global warming: Non-renewable fossil fuel use causes global environmental problems, Renewable energy sources have environmental, health and cost advantages over fossil fuels.
  • No polluting emissions: The advantage of renewable resources includes their inability to produce carbon-based warming and polluting agents into the atmosphere.
  • Low cost applications when counting all costs: The financial cost of its applications is not always cheap but if the environmental costs of using fossil fuels are accounted for, renewable energy wins hands-down.
  • Renewable energy sources are crucial to sustainable human life on planet Earth: There are also indirect savings on health and its costs as there are no harmful emissions.
  • The final advantage of renewable energy: Thinking about this and using it has the advantage of transforming ourselves into flourishing, truly social human beings.

Global Warming

Global Warming refers to average increase in the earth's temperature due to increase in pollution which results in greenhouse effect which in turn leads to climate change. Global warming may lead to rise in the sea level due to melting of glaciers, shrinkage of forests, changes in the rainfall pattern and wide range of impacts on plants and humans.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a group of over 2,500 scientists from countries across the world have determined that a number of human activities are contributing towards the growth of global warming by releasing excessive amount of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. These greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide accumulate into the atmosphere and trap heat that would normally would exit into the outer space. Over the last few decades cars, industries and power plants have released tons of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and this has caused the temperature of the earth to rise from .6 degree Celsius between 1901 and 2000. If nothing is done to stop global warming now then it could prove to be a big disaster for the human kind.

Future of Global Warming

As we are going to more fossil fuels the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the earth atmosphere is going to rise and rise. And these greenhouse gases will raise the earth's surface temperature with them. According to IPCC, the temperature of the earth will rise from 2 degree Celsius to 6 degree Celsius by the end of 21st century. With the rise in such temperature the glaciers and ice shelves around the world will start melting. Scientists’ project rising sea levels will increase between 7 and 22 inches by 2100. When the sea level will rise combined with the rise in the temperature of the sea, tropical storms such as tsunami could increase.


We human beings have been using vast proportions of earth's natural resources for our own needs. We use energy for or heating and cooling, lighting, heating water and operating appliances. Apart from that we use energy for many purposes, such as traveling in airplanes and cars using oil that is converted into gasoline. The U.S. department of energy has divided energy users into 3 categories: Residential and Commercial, Industrial and Transportation. Energy needs to be conserved to protect our environment from drastic changes, to save the depleting resources for our future generations. The rate at which the energy is being produced and consumed can damage our world in many ways. In other words, it helps us to save the environment. We can reduce those impacts by consuming less energy. The cost of energy is rising every year. It is important for us to realize how energy is useful to us and how can we avoid it getting wasted
Earth's temperature is rising day by day and there is no single solution to solve global warming problem, we need to Use energy efficient products, Going nuclear, Phasing out fossil fuels, Switch off gadgets when not in use, Stop deforestation, and the most important is to Explore renewable sources and Developing low carbon technologies.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released its Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation, the report says, nearly 80 percent of global energy demand could be met by renewable energy sources by 2050.
 Prepared by 120 scientists, the Special Report considers six of the most promising renewable energy technologies and their potential “integration into present and future energy systems.” The energy technologies include solar, wind, bioenergy (including sources such as wood scavenging in developing countries), geothermal, and ocean, notably excluding nuclear as a source of renewable energy.
The report’s authors see the growth of renewable energy, as defined in the report, far outpacing that of fossil and nuclear energy. Indeed, nearly half of new electricity generating capacity came from renewable sources between 2008 and 2009, and the pace of growth continues to rise. “The technical potential of renewable energy technologies exceeds the current global energy demand by a consider amount, globally, and in respect of most regions of the world,” the report concludes.




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·           R. Eisenberg and D. Nocera, "Preface: Overview of the Forum on Solar and Renewable Energy," Inorg. Chem. 44, 6799 (2007).

 P. V. Kamat, "Meeting the Clean Energy Demand:," J. Phys. Chem. C 111, 2834 (2007).

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